Nous sommes Uptowns, un cabinet d’ethnographie digitale spécialisé dans la détection et l’exploration de micro-cultures.


We are Uptowns, a consultancy specialized in the detection and exploration of online micro-cultures. 

Why micro-cultures? Social media have democratized and demutiplied micro-communities. They gather online around values, passions, subcultures or even content creators. Because they challenge the norm from the fringes, online micro-cultures often announce the emergence of new uses and practices. 

Our methodological process combines digital ethnography – a qualitative research method adapted to online communities – with social listening. Our approach is data-driven and insight-oriented, which allows us to detect emerging trends.

Our mission: we help our clients decipher weak signals to anticipate behavioral changes in their markets.

Our scope: Instagram, TikTok, Reddit, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn.

We provide inspiration to brands in order to help them feed their content strategy, enrich their customer experience, design new products and services or cope with cultural change.

Our clients belong to different industries: luxury, services, beauty, mobility, food, tourism and corporate. We do collaborate with partners: research institute, media, consulting firms, communication agencies, design studios and innovation labs.

We are two co-founders: Philippe Llewellyn and Anthony Dos Santos.

Follow us on Instagram to decipher emerging cultural signals.

To keep you up to date with our news, join us on LinkedIn

For more in-depths observations and analysis, you can read us on Medium.